A better Day....

After having the antibodic administered at the Doc's office and getting the pills to follow up for the next
10 days Michael is feeling better....The headache and sinus problems are going away...and he has a bit more energy!  Plans are even being made for New Years Eve!
We had a wonderful celebration with our small family on Monday, even though Michael did not feel well...
The little love was such a joy to be with....He would open up something and just want to sit and play...which was allowed because no one had a time restraint on them....A fine meal was had and life is good!

1 comment:

Joani said...

I am so glad that U were able to have a bit of Christmas. Today, here it is raining, cold & just wet. It has rained for most of the day. Great for the desert but not great for people. Suppose to freeze by Fri. a.m. Will have to get out Thurs. afternoon and get things covered up in hopes they don't freeze. That would be sad. Food is out for the Hummingbirds that stay around for the winter. Pomegranets R still on the bushes for the birds. Happy New Year.