Dodging the bullet...

Michael started running a fever yesterday...I called the Doctor and they told me if it gets to 101 that he needed
to get to the hospital ASAP....mainly because his white cell count is low along with his platelet count....
GIVE IT AN HOUR MORE he asked as I started to pack up for the hospital....
FAST FORWARD:  100.3....100....99.9....

This morning holding steady at 99.....
OK he dodged the bullet....


Joani said...

Dodging bullets at this stage seem to become very difficult. Prayers R with U and Michael to weather this part of the storm. Hugs.

Merry ME said...

Wish there was some bubble wrap to surround him in. I wonder, though, would that just make him hotter, or would it help him sweat the fever out?

Probably he's better off wrapped in your love and good care.

Ringing my bell and asking a whole host of angels to stay by your side.