
Perhaps some or all of you are aware that I do a daily mandala affirmation....This one here appeared to me on Wednesday...with the message to SMILE attached to it....This morning as I reflected on my week I also opened up the book that Tina sent me...Healing Words by Caren Goldman...and what page did it open to....SMILE!! So the message is loud and clear!

"SMILES REACH THE HARD-TO-REACH PLACES." was one of the quotes on this page in the book.....HOW TRUE THAT IS...No matter what is going on in our live there is something that can cause a smile...that you cannot stand in the muck without becoming part of the muck...that you can scream and rant and rave and beat yourself up for what is going on that is negative or you can find something that allows you to smile and feel and live life to the fullest extent that you are able....Harder to do on some days than others...but STILL NOT IMPOSSIBLE! Smiles allow you to be aware to find joy in the every day things of life...a smile brings a gentleness to your heart even if it is only a small smile...a smile allows for that moment all the negative to slip calms you and brings back a normalcy that was not there just a moment ago...

So as I begin this new day....I let go of the beating myself up....I let go of the illness that surrounds me...I let go of the things that I think should be...would be...could be....and I find the pleasure of the moment....and I SMILE...


the glitzy gypsy said...

Thank you for reminding me to smile--
and sending one to you :)
Love you...

Tina said...

this reminded ME to smile as well :)