Rapidly approaching....

We are rapidly approaching our 25th Wedding Anniversary!!! It is a week from today!! (April 13) Who would of thought that we would of made it this far considering that we both were divorced when we married....And considering that there was a package deal .... I had two children....but through it all we made it!! Even with everything that goes on now....we are making it!
So what does one do for their 25th anniversary?????? Something different....something unique...
something special besides the going out for the fancy dinner thing.....IDEAS anyone?????
We are thinking about renewing our vows....reconfirming....re-exchanging...recommitting...
We are somewhat limited at the moment as to going anywhere....the original plan was to go to New York City (as we did for our Honeymoon....and do you know why they call it a Honey moon????!..
Newlyweds, for the first month of married life, drank a daily cup of honeyed wine
called mead. Sounds like a deal!!)
anyhow we have the MRI on the 15th, so that does not leave much time to go anywhere...
perhaps a renewal at city hall....a fine dinner out and a fancy hotel right here in town!

1 comment:

Merry ME said...

I'm sure doing something special will take you out of the ho-hum. But something tells me, waking up on the morning of the 13th, rolling over to face each other, seeing 25 years of togetherness in your lover's eyes will be enough. Recommitting can be done anywhere the two of you are.

Congratulations! May you be blessed with many more years together.