Trying to explain...

Have you ever had to try to explain to an adult why it is that they can't do something???? As an adult we are accustomed to the freedom of doing anything we deem ...anytime we want...if it so strikes our fancy ...we have the freedom to make decisions on our own...we've earned that freedom just by the fact that we got through childhood restrictions...heard enough NO"S in our life time perhaps....So when you have to try to explain to an adult that the thing that they might want to do....when they think they are capable of doing more than they can because their brain tells them YES but their body is telling them certainly isn't easy!! You try to do it first suggesting that it just might not be a good idea...and then you have to add a little more force to it when that child in them starts to rebel against authority...and finally you tend to have to just put your foot down....or get in there and do it yourself before the other gets a chance to....
It certainly isn't easy!!!!! But I am to maneuver my way around this situation...

1 comment:

Merry ME said...

That line between letting someone, any age, be independent and learn from mistakes or successes, and knowing it's just not going to be a good thing is sometimes real clear and other times pretty blurry. As caregiver I think we just need to listen to our gut. ANd be ready to pick up the pieces if/when/where they fall.