Side Effects...

One of the side effects of being on high doses of prednisone is that one becomes becomes somewhat "mean" and this is a side effect of a drug...NOT a person! HOWEVER...sometimes it is difficult for the caregiver (ME) to distinguish between the two! To NOT take some of the verbal comments personally...To NOT be saddened by some of the things that are said and the tone that they are said in. I know I should not take them personally....I know that it is the DRUGS talking and not, I had to bite the inside of my lip so badly in order not to just slap him upside the head with a verbal come back that my lip was bleeding....and I had to leave the room in tears.....Tears because this is HARD...tears because this is not the man I know...Tears for both of us going through this...sometimes apart...sometimes together....Tomorrow will be a better day I hope, as we start to gradually lower the dose of this medicine....Tomorrow...will be a better day!

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