
As I whirled and swirled yesterday....I was thinking was out of heart was hurting...and I reached out...reached out to someone who I have known for a long time...but who has recently been reintroduced to me....this friend gave me a gentle reminder last night amongst the words of encouragement...."Try to stay positive and try not to dwell too much on what might happen but rather on what you have right now." Simple words really....words that my heart knows, but sometimes has a hard time remembering....especially when in the middle of a muddle...
Words that this morning bring me comfort and strength....words that touch my soul....Reading these words and the words that have been left here in the comment section DO bring me to this spot...they DO help me...they DO allow my heart to listen carefully and be reminded....they DO allow the tears to flow out of me....When I type I sometimes am heart allows words to flow easily on these heart does not wish to be heart knows no boundaries (which is both good and bad I am finding out!)....Today, as I reread the words that my friend wrote to me...I feel a strength to do that....will I fall from time to time...of course I will...that is be overwhelmed with the negative not allowing yourself to dwell on the positive...So today...I thank my friend....I acknowledge that I will face this day with my heart focusing on what I have right now....this day....this day to share...this day to love...this day to rejoice in and enjoy....THIS DAY IS TODAY!


Barbara said...

Your friend is very wise. That advice applies to all of us, no matter what we are facing. All we have is now, this moment, to make the best of, to show love to those we do and compassion for those in need. Thank you for sharing your heart; you touch mine more than you know.

So, I'd better get off my plump butt and LIVE; I've been stuck in idle too long.


Betty Boo's Saying it Outloud said...

Your friend gave you some very good advice. Keep your chin up and smile!

I truly admire you and your courage! Wish you all the best!!!!

Journal Swag said...

I believe it is somewhat good advice. I had a conversation last week along the same lines. I left it feeling guilty for feeling sad, and feeling wrong for feeling sad. That is until I received the gift of a lovely email from a DEAR friend who has also become my life coach. Now THERE is a fine woman. You must allow yourself to feel it all, and most importantly remember nobody (but nobody) can say those words to you unless they have walked a lifetime in your shoes. I'll share her email with you.
