Answering the Questions....New Years Day!

Question 1

What are some games or activities you like to do that you find challenging and fun? (Resilience)

1. play in my studio (at least when it is not so messy)

2. try new projects....making art supplies

3. going to galleries and art openings

4. trying to do several things in one day!

Question 2

What are some games or activities you like to do that make you laugh? (Emotion Awareness)

1. singing!

2. dancing!

3. talking with friends

4. brain storming

Question 3

What are some new things you've been wanting to try? (Goal Setting)

1. learning a foreign language (maybe French for that trip to Paris!)

2. learning how to use Fimo

3. making jewelry

Question 4

What are some things you can do that leverage your strengths and skills? (Empowerment)

1. say NO when I mean NO

2. stay true to my spirit

3. laugh more in the face of adversity

4. not let things (little) get to me so much

Question 5

What are some things you can do that are fun and will make someone else happy? (Optimism)

1. give things away for no reason...pieces of art...random acts of kindness

2. call my mother more often

3. bake for someone else

4. share myself more freely with others without candy coating

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing as always