Doing things differently...

Today, we got to the Doctors office and the NEW game plan is to try a different chemo drug...
so now he has 3 different drugs that will be given along with the drugs he takes at home every day...The combination of drugs that they first started him on was not making a difference in the protein levels....they are hoping that this different "cocktail" will give him a better punch!! This will go on for the next 6 months (or so I have been told!) The thing that is NEW and DIFFERENT is that this drug takes 5 hours to be administered!!
So today, I sat with him for a while...and as he started to drift off to sleep...I decided that it was best that I did some things that needed to be done....I will return to the office for the final hour...but for me to sit there for 5 hours seems like just to long of a time...Today....we are BOTH doing things differently....

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