Watching and Waiting....Castles in the Air....

I did this little 4 by 4 painting 2 years ago....not knowing then what I know now.....but it speaks to me today....It gives me a message and a lesson....
Watching and waiting....Castles in the air!

This is a difficult road to go down...not knowing what the next step is at this moment....watching as my husband shakes with tremors and is weakened when he stands....but I know that life is still calling ME.....and so I think of sand castles today.....When we hear the word "cancer" our world is torn apart a sand castle that is washed away by the waves..(why invest the time and energy to make another one when it will be crushed too?)...You start to become so fearful...and believe that your dreams are now washed away too....shattered....and it becomes difficult to believe that the world...that friends and family are going along with their lives as if NOTHING is wrong when you know that your world is changing....And a jealousy washes over you...The lesson that I am learning is that when cancer shatters one's must remember that you can go to the beach again (even in your mind) can build another sand castle...and if necessary even another one and another one....You must remember to be like a child who although spent so much time creating that castle that even though you might be disappointed, even crushed, that the waves washed it know that you can build another one...and hope that it will be somehow strong enough to withstand the small waves and hopefully the large ones will only partially knock it down...but you stand with your shovel and your pail and your dreams and you build again! Today, I am rebuilding sandcastle dreams...(even if they are only in my mind!) For it is our dreams....our sand castles that can be rebuilt that allow us to go on day to day with HOPE.....


Barbara said...

Your wisdom, even through your pain, serves as a reminder to me that I can't give up my dreams or hope. Thank you for sharing.

the glitzy gypsy said...

someday we're gonna go to the beach together and build a big ole sandcastle--and we will giggle and laugh and go body surfing.......and we will bring some friends--and do art--put this in your little wish pocket--it will happen-someday!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

LOVE this!