And then there were more...

We arrived at the Wilmont Cancer Center at 7:30 AM yesterday morning....filling out page after page after page
of information...did all the vital stats...and then 2 specialists arrived....going over everything that was on the page after page after page....and then....they informed us, after several hours of talking....and asking questions...that a consent form would have to be filled out for them to be able to get all the test results he has had over the past 2 years....all the pathology reports...everything having to do with this cancer....and then...a team of Doctors from the Wilmont Center will have a sit down "round table" discussion about the best way to proceed...
So we don't know anymore than we did the day before....We will continue with the chemo treatment that is currently being given...and will get the information from all the Wilmont Doctors on the 23rd of September...
So there it is....we remain where we are...getting through the next 3 weeks hopefully without any incidents...

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