half full...or ...half empty?

I have been thinking about this a great deal over the past several days.....Is the glass half full....or is it half empty....I don't know why but during stressful
times I tend to think of the glass being half empty...maybe because things are slipping away...maybe because 
things are changing it gives me the feeling of taking away from....thus....half empty.  But really what a negative way of thinking....there is so much more of that glass to go...and you could actually try to fill it back up rather than taking more away from it....You could embrace the change and look at it as an opportunity to add to your life...to show you things with different eyes...to react in a different way....
SO....Is the glass half full....or is it half empty???????????
Today, I start to look at it from a different perspective....and I am finding it is definitely....
HALF FULL!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Joani said...

Hello Patricia.
Half full or half empty....that is something to ponder....sort of like 50/50. U and URs R in my prayers.