Labor Day...

The last few days fall has been in the air...the wind has been cooler and the leaves are changing color...night
comes earlier and the sun rises later...shortening the days of summer...
I tend to like fall ...maybe because my birthday falls this time of year...but as I age I realize it becomes a time with the changing of seasons to allow myself to change...certainly change comes with warmer clothing, but lately I have been aware that change is also coming with my attitude...I have been very aware since we saw the specialist last week that I am slowing down...I am taking on more of Michael's attitude...I AM IN NO RUSH!!!!!!!!!  Perhaps it is because I feel that the most difficult time is still before us...but today, I do not care...Today, I am resting...I am taking time just to enjoy this spend time with those I love and give no thought to tomorrow...or the next they do not matter at the moment...Today, I am allowing that change to take over...I am allowing myself time to witness this perfect this perfect day.
Happy Labor Day....Happy Fall....
Be Well...


Merry ME said...

There is a common theme in the things I'm reading these days - change/rest/being rather than doing.

I look around and see all the things I've put off til today. I really must get moving, but I think, instead, I'll take a little advice from you and the universe and just enjoy NOT doing.

All of a sudden I'm wondering, "what's the rush"?

Pat Dalke said...

Pattie, there is a charming little book published by Clarkson/Potter titled "The Art of Doing Nothing"(simple ways to make time for yourself) by: Veronique Vienne with very lovely sepia toned photographs by Erica Lennard.

I've been skipping around in this book of only 93 pages again and renewing my committment to doing nothing at least several times a day.