
I am consiously being soft lately...soft spoken...walking softly...aware of not being harsh...not being negative...
not being rough in any way...I am consious of being soft...Michael had an EKG this morning...(to see about the pleurisy) tomorrow is blood work (to try to get his coumadin regulated) and Wednesday we have a day off...
Thursday is the meeting with the specialists....So I am consious to be not let anything enter my just enjoy the laugh smile love more...That is what my plans for the week are....
May yours be the same...


Merry ME said...

sounds like a great plan.

Merry ME said...

Hi Patty,
I went to bed counting soft things, instead of sheep (see my blog). Here is a list of some of them to surround you with softness so that your world, and Michael's won't feel all jagged and pointy and hard:

a cotton ball, chocolate pudding, a down pillow, a worn-in quilt, a 3-minute egg, furry slippers,
a bunny, a mink stole, your favorite tune turned on low, the quiet stillness of the ocean at rest, marshmallows, either end of a baby, a cashmere sweater, a poodle puppy ....

Anonymous said...

Can I link to your post?