Things I have noticed...

I started a running journal of things that Michael does or does not do in the course of the day. This is not only to keep me aware of the changes that are going on, but also allows me to remember what it is that I want to tell the Doctor (ever wonder why after you leave a Doctor's office you always remember something else you wanted to ask?! Why is it that we get so flustered in the office? They are only humans after all!) Anyhow...I have noticed several things over the past few days...Michael is starting to lose his hearing...He leans forward as if to listen more closely...he also cups his ear with his hand when I am talking...and tells me that I am speaking to softly...(I just use my normal voice!!) The TV is on very loudly (driving me crazy!!) and so is the stereo (which if I am upstairs is tolerable!) Checking into the type of cancer that he is one of the symptoms...I only know this from the Internet....Thank goodness for the Internet!! I wonder why Doctors don't tell you what some of the things are that might happen...Now, if you notice all the commercials on TV lately for any drugs...they tell you every side effect you might have if you take that drug...even so far as to may cause am not sure if I would even take a drug that might cause death..but that is another story....Right now...I notice that he rarely gets out of his chair...he rarely talks....he rarely remembers what it was that we just talked about...and he rarely hears anything that I say....Just things I have noticed...and put in my Doctor I will remember to let her know....

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